Monday, May 26, 2014

Shooting For Net

Come back again to Berliner Brotfabrik. Today I had a shooting for Net TV with Teh Vitri. The program will be showed on Indonesia Morning Show named 'Sarapan dimana?'.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Videography KWKT (Kedai Dim Sum)

Finally, another videography of Komunitas Wisata Kuliner Tasik (KWKT), took place at Kedai Dimsum Dr Soekardjo st Tasikmalaya city. Happy watching!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Awesome Girl Named Wifa

I and Wifa, 7th grader of SMPN 6 Tasikmalaya. Despite having physical deficiencies, she has a high spirit to study at regular school. She is paralyzed and have abnormal bone so her life is very dependent on other people. But behind her limitation, she has a good achievement at class by getting rank 8. Cool, isn't it?
So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? (QS Ar-rahman)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Videography Project (Kedai Kake)

Yaaay! I'm super duper happy watching this video. Finally after waiting for months, this one is published on youtube. FYI, this is (Komunitas Wisata Kuliner Tasik) KWKT's videography project for promoting Tasikmalaya culinary. We have a mission to make Tasikmalaya becomes one of the best destination for culinary tourism. We exist for Tasikmalaya becomes more fantastic.

Watch another our videography here!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Favorite at Galleria Resto

Had a late lunch with some pals from Amira Corp at Galleria Resto. Here are my most favorite:

Vanilla pancake
Hot fried rice, hooot!