Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Heart It

When I was my sister's home after college, I just took a rest for a while. Watching TV and looking for my favorite channel, HBO. I was just suddenly interested to the film which has an unique name and invited my curiosity. The Time Traveler's Wife. The film may have been watched by all of you guys but frankly, I just watch it for the first time today =D Ya I know It's so embarassing!

If you wanna know more about the film, just click on here!
I'm so hard to fall in love with movies, but watching this make me did it. I heart this film. When it's ending, I feel my heart warming. Lovely and.. drive me impatient gonna find my soul mate! 
For you who haven't watched yet this film, watch it and enjoy sooner.
Don't forget to keep popcorn in your hand =)

1 comment:

  1. keren,, ntar aq coba donlot n share d blog aq can...

    tq infonya
