Saturday, September 8, 2012

1st Anniversary Giveaway

Assalamu'alaikum dear friends! 
Following my previous post, I have merchandises to give away to a lucky lovely woman. All you need to do is answer the question below:

"What makes you proud to be born as Muslim woman and why?"

Leave your answer in the comment box of this post before September 28th, 2012. For those who haven't had blog, you can put your link Facebook account as the identity. Then, I'll choose my favorite answer that will win:
  • Hijab style book + Pashmina
Good luck! :)

PS: It's for woman any age from Tasikmalaya and have been friend on my Facebook only.


  1. It's because of "HIJAB". Hijab who makes woman muslim feel respected, appeared her inner beauty and authority. Hijab like a 'CROWN' for me, who makes it to be expensive.

  2. mengapa saya bangga menjadi seorang wanita muslimah? itu karena Hijab membuatku dikenal dengan jelas bahwa aku adalah seorang MUSLIMAH, Hijab membuatku dihargai dan dilindungi, Hijab membuat hatiku merasa aman dari pandangan yg tak baik, Hijabku identitasku sebagai seorang muslimah! insyaAllah AKAN menjadi bidadari surganya Allah SWT. Aamiin :')

    - Born to be moslem woman is the biggest gift that Allah granted to me. I never asked to born as moslem, but He granted it to me mercifully. It could not be imagined if I were kafir. At least I will stay in the hell forever. Na’udzubillah. Therefore, I’m proud to be moslem woman. Because Islam is the perfect religion. And Islam is the only true religion beside Allah. Allah SWT said; “ This day have I perfected for you your religion, and I'd had both ends My gift unto you, and I'd had it so pleasured Islam religion for you" (QS. Al Maidah : 3).
    Therefore, I am deservedly proud of the religion which I believe. I have to be grateful this gift by appearing my moslem identity; doing a good things.

    - I’M PROUD TO BE MOSLEM WOMAN because of Syari'at of HIJAB.
    Hijab is symbol of moslem woman. Hijab is the most beautiful part of moslem woman. It covers me soo PERFECTLY, while still giving me MODESTY. It shields my outer BEAUTY, while still shining my PERSONALITY. It protects me from the ENEMY, while still guided me soo PROUDLY. My HIJAB is my FRIEND, SOLDIER and my REAL BEAUTY.

    - I’M PROUD TO BE MOSLEM WOMAN because Allah lied the heaven on my feet. Insya Allah :)

  4. This question seems to make everyone look proud to be born as a Muslim woman, but it is not necessarily true ...
    Should I feel proud when I was useful for this religion, and if the definition of pride here is probably thankful, it suits me...(:
    feeling born as a Muslim woman more likely to be lucky, I'm very thankful for that... ^,^

  5. born as a moslem woman is the most lucky thing i ever have till now.
    Allah always protect the woman, gives woman more choice to love Him more and more.
