Saturday, August 2, 2014

Last Friday Night

Halo People! I just had an express hang out with the sweetest sister brother, Jeffry on last Friday Night. It's the first time we met after Lebaran Day. As the tradition goes, we each forgive for the sake of friendship. Moreover, he had so much mistakes to me! Such as keep asking me to pay his bill when we had a meal, don't ya rememba Kujef? (british accent) hahaha :p

It's kinda unplanned hang out, really. We had a chat on facebook and he asked me for dinner. At the time, I actually still busy to finish the deadline at office but yeaa.. he forced me and I couldn't say nothing but Yes, come on! Then I wrote in a rush. 

I finished my job but he told me to wait for a moment before picking me up as he's going to clean his self. It's his habit to take a bath in the evening, even in the midnight (even pouring seven flowers in various =D). A moment for him means an hour or more, yes I always put my understanding on it. 

He finally came and we're heading to Galleria Resto as our first destiny. Just spending a little time, then The Djongjon Cafe is the next place to visit. As usual, we had some randomly absurd conversation, hehehe.. but that's what makes us still have a strong friendship. Time may fly fast, but our friendship stand still. 

Mouse chocolate at Galleria Resto
Puppy face?

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