Friday, August 15, 2014

Payung Geulis Tasikmalaya

As one of Mojang Jajaka 2013 finalist, I had an invitation from Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth, and Sports (Dinas Kebudayaan Pariwisata Pemuda dan Olahraga) Kota Tasikmalaya on Otto Iskandar Dinata street to participate in the 17 Agustus carnival. 

I got involved to the nonformal discussion about building youth community consists of all the finalists of Mojang Jajaka all the year. In the middle of random conversation, one of the staff over there asked what my job is. I told her that I'm a reporter. But her answer then made me feel underestimated for saying something which the point is asking me not too proud for having that job. It's astonishing that I had been involved in very subjective talks. 

So why if I'm a reporter? I know so far being a reporter is often included in the black list job for making bad news and impact in making some people in the news threatened. But I'm not kind of reporter like that, please. My reason to become a reporter just due to my hobby, yes! writing. Doing what I like and earning money as well is a great achievement for me who start this when I was in senior high. But please underline that I earn money not from threatening others. I am paid by my own office. 

Honestly, I'm offended by what that person told me. But after we had a longer conversation, she finally said sorry. Haha :p Well, forget it!

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